Welcome to Ballarat Life Activities Club.
Ballarat LAC is a not-for-profit, non-political, and non-sectarian community group with a variety of leisure and social activities. The Club has numerous activities each with their own convenor who is usually an office-bearer or Committee member.
A quarterly newsletter is offered with activities and a calendar for the following 3 months.
Membership yearly fee for a single is $30.00, including insurance.
Membership yearly fee for couples is $50.00, including insurances.
Membership for the 6 month period 1st January to 30th June
Single $15
Couple $25
The Ballarat Life Activities Club site lists a range of the activities which our Club offers. Choose from the events list on the top menu bar to view a 3 month period.
A copy of our current Newsletter is available for download from the menu bar. Enjoy!
Contact Information
Membership Secretary
email:- merlelong17@hotmail.com.au
Phone:- 0407 501 402
Mailing Address:- PO Box 1090, BAKERY HILL VIC 3354
Ballarat Life Activities. 0494 183 692